Open downloaded .rdp file from your local machine. Make sure that each of the following Windows services is set to the Windows default value. Pour plus d’informations, consultez l’article, Après avoir créé la machine virtuelle dans Azure, nous vous recommandons de placer le fichier d’échange sur le, After you create the VM in Azure, we recommend that you put the page file on the. Don't turn it back on until If you have a Windows VM image in the VMDK file format, then you can use Azure Migrate to convert the VMDK and upload it to Azure. They might interfere and block the Windows Provisioning Agent scripts executed when you deploy a new VM from your image. Résolvez toute erreur dans la machine virtuelle elle-même avant de tenter une conversion ou un chargement sur Azure. Vous aurez, par exemple, besoin des extensions pour réinitialiser les mots de passe ou configurer le protocole RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Portuguese/Portugal / Português/Portugal Upload a generalized VHD and use it to create a new VM in Azure. Azure platform mounts an ISO file to the DVD-ROM when a Windows VM is created from a generalized image. This port is used for the RDP service in Azure. Vérifiez que le disque dur virtuel Windows fonctionne correctement sur le serveur local. To change the port number, do Ne la réactivez pas avant d’avoir créé une image à partir de celle-ci dans Azure. et Support pour les machines virtuelles de génération 2 sur Azure.For more information, see Should I create a generation 1 or 2 VM in Hyper-V? Si vous avez activé le chiffrement sur votre machine virtuelle, désactivez-le avant d’exécuter Sysprep.If you have enabled encryption on your VM, disable it before running Sysprep. For this reason, the DVD-ROM must be enabled in the OS in the generalized image. You can either copy within the same region or copy your managed disk to another region. You will see step … It will first create the virtual machine, provision the virtual machine and then install extensions in the virtual machine. To set the startup Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. You can now access the machine of Brian Keller that you uploaded in Windows Azure. Toutefois, nous vous recommandons vivement de les configurer.However, we strongly recommend that you configured them. You'll need the extensions, for example, to reset passwords Should I create a generation 1 or 2 VM in Hyper-V? Démarrez une session PowerShell en tant qu’administrateur. The template is called a generalized image. Assurez-vous qu’aucune autre application n’utilise le port 3389.Make sure no other application is using port 3389. If you are preparing a data disk you may stop with this section and proceed to uploading your disk. To upload your VHD to Azure, you'll need to create an empty managed disk that is configured for this upload process. that after the VM is deployed in Azure. Don't turn it back on until you create an image from it in Azure. Par exemple, supprimez les logiciels qui analysent les paquets TCP ou les pare-feu supplémentaires.For example, remove software that analyzes TCP packets or extra firewalls. Faites un test pour vous assurer que vous pouvez contacter la machine virtuelle via RDP. One of the great features of Windows Azure is VHD mobility. Vous pouvez, par exemple, utiliser additionalUnattendContent pour ajouter FirstLogonCommands et LogonCommands.You can use, for example, additionalUnattendContent to add FirstLogonCommands and LogonCommands. Resolve any errors within the VM itself before you try to convert or upload it to Azure. Availability Set – This is used to define a group of virtual machines that are deployed across fault and update domains. For more information, see additionalUnattendContent A custom unattend.xml file is not supported. Back up the VM before you run the virtual disk conversion or resize process. Si votre disque dur virtuel est une fraction de 1 Mio, vous devrez redimensionner le disque en un multiple de 1 Mio. Under Virtual Machines, click on Instances. Pour vérifier la taille, vous pouvez utiliser la cmdlet PowerShell, To verify the size you can use the PowerShell. Si vous souhaitez ne créer qu’une seule machine virtuelle à partir d’un seul disque, vous n’avez pas besoin d’utiliser Sysprep.To create only one VM from one disk, you don't have to use Sysprep. virtual hard disk (VHD or VHDX). Click on vmsmra. Now that you've successfully uploaded a VHD to a managed disk, you can attach your disk to a VM and begin using it. Make sure you know the built-in administrator account and password. expanding disk to a fixed-size disk, but you can't change a VM's generation. Before you upload a Windows virtual machine (VM) from on-premises to Azure, you must prepare the virtual hard disk (VHD or VHDX). Disks that are fractions of a MiB cause errors when creating images from the uploaded VHD. Vous pouvez convertir un disque virtuel à l’aide de la cmdlet Convert-VHD dans PowerShell.You can convert a virtual disk using the Convert-VHD cmdlet in PowerShell. Redémarrez la machine virtuelle pour vous assurer que Windows est toujours sain et qu’il est accessible par le biais de la connexion RDP.Restart the VM to make sure that Windows is still healthy and can be reached through the RDP connection. L’écouteur surveille chaque interface réseau : The listener is listening on every network interface: Configurez le mode d’authentification au niveau du réseau (NLA) pour les connexions RDP : Configure network-level authentication (NLA) mode for the RDP connections: Définissez les options de reconnexion : Limitez le nombre de connexions simultanées : Limit the number of concurrent connections: Supprimez les certificats auto-signés liés à l’écouteur RDP : Remove any self-signed certificates tied to the RDP listener: Ce code garantit que vous pouvez vous connecter lors du déploiement de la machine virtuelle. Désinstallez tous les autres logiciels ou pilotes tiers liés aux composants physiques ou toute autre technologie de virtualisation.Uninstall any other third-party software or driver that's related to physical components or any other virtualization technology. 5. Activez la collecte des journaux de vidage :Enable the dump log collection: Vérifiez que le référentiel Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) est cohérent :Verify that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) repository is consistent: Si le référentiel est endommagé, consultez WMI: Corruption du référentiel ou pas.If the repository is corrupted, see WMI: Repository corruption or not. Please see also General Linux Installation Notesfor more tips on preparing Linux for Azure. Si vous souhaitez ne créer qu’une seule machine virtuelle à partir d’un seul disque, vous n’avez pas besoin d’utiliser Sysprep. Check the following Azure AD policy to make sure they're not removing any of the required access Run a PowerShell session as an administrator. Remove any static persistent routes in the routing table: If the VM needs to work with a specific proxy, add a proxy exception for the Azure IP address 15. Update installations are finished and that no updates are pending. One way to do this is to Remote Desktop Services" Group Policy Object. The following settings don't affect VHD uploading. Vous pouvez redimensionner un disque virtuel à l’aide de la cmdlet Resize-VHD dans PowerShell.You can resize a virtual disk using the Resize-VHD cmdlet in PowerShell. On the third Virtual Machine Configuration page, set the following virtual machine attributes as shown in figure. We recommend first converting the VHD to a RAW disk image. Macedonian / македонски Supprimez le répertoire Panther (C:\Windows\Panther). Restart the VM to make sure that Windows is still healthy and can be reached through the RDP connection. disk. the following updates are installed. Les instructions de cet article s’appliquent à : The instructions in this article apply to: la version 64 bits de Windows Server 2008 R2 et aux systèmes d’exploitation Windows Server ultérieurs. For more information, see Pour charger un disque dur virtuel Windows qui est un contrôleur de domaine : To upload a Windows VHD that's a domain controller: Assurez-vous que vous connaissez le mot de passe du mode de restauration des services d’annuaire au cas où vous devriez démarrer la machine virtuelle dans ce mode. Start and sign in to the VM and continue with the sections in this article to finish preparing it for uploading. Microsoft Azure virtual machines scale in processor, memory, and storage, allowing you to create virtual machines with a large number of cores and memory, and data disks up to 1 TB in size. When uploading or copying from an Azure VM, then your bandwidth would be the same as standard HDDs.


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