* Extra – Javascript tries to resume after external errors. ShortPixel is a name you might not be instantly familiar with, but they’re developing a reputation as one of the best image CDNs on the market.. * Fix – Added hard paths to require_once satements in order to prevent WP-CLI errrors; ShortPixel Image Optimization – Enable Media Replace è pienamente compatibile con questo plugin. Bueno para tu SEO y compatible con EMR. The name of the attachment will stay the same no matter what the file you upload is called. Fortunately, you could tell ShortPixel to look for images in other folders than Media Library. This should also hopefully fix the problems people have been having with their installations claiming that perfectly good PDF files are not allowed file types. From the options under Stream, choose “Automatically allow devices to play my media”. Many feature images I had uploaded in my early days were not adequately compressed. * Fixed: Links not updated when using Advanced Custom Fields Created GitHub repo for this plugin, please feel free to contribute at github.com/mansj/enable-media-replace, Bug fix for the short code displaying the modification date of a file, Updated all database queries in preparation for WP 3.9, Bug fix for timezone changes in WordPress, Minor UI change to inform the user about what actually happens when replacing an image and using a new file name, Added call to update_attached_file() which should purge changed files for various CDN and cache plugs. Click Select button and choose your folder with images. The first thing we need to cover here is there are actually two different ShortPixel plugins: ShortPixel Image Optimizer (SIO) ShortPixel … All the registered sizes got remade. If your image is used 5,10,100 times, it will be a real time saver. Дякуємо перекладачам за їх роботу. This is where you can upload a new file to replace the old one. New translations for simplified Chinese (thanks Tunghsiao Liu) and Italian (grazie Marco Chiesi), Added method for detecting upload screen to ensure backward compatibility with versions pre 3.5. New images are automatically resized/rescaled and optimized on the fly, in the background. Install SPAI using the WordPress Admin Plugin Upload Once enabled, ShortPixel will automatically optimize the images you replace using Enable Media Replace. Good for SEO and compatible with EMR. Once enabled, ShortPixel will automatically optimize the images you replace using Enable Media Replace. Added ShortPixel links and images, fixed the problem of ShortPixel recommendation not dismissing. ShortPixel Image Optimization – Enable Media Replace is fully compatible with this plugin. It's very easy to check whether that's your case by trying to directly access the URL of an image after adding "?anything" at the end of the URL. Resize Image After Upload plugin – cambia automáticamente el tamaño de las imágenes al subirlas para ahorrar tráfico & espacio de disco. Good for SEO and compatible with EMR. * Fix: the plugin should now work with images added through Visual Composer; Why? I asked the author about replacing images with ones already in the Media Library, and he explained why that wasn't workable. “Enable Media Replace” — проект з відкритим вихідним кодом. If you feel this could be your case, then please contact your hosting provider, show them the two URLs and ask them for their support. Once enabled, ShortPixel will automatically optimize the images you replace using Enable Media Replace. Made sure the call to get_attached_file() no longer skips filters, in … Good for SEO and compatible with EMR. * Fix: fully works now with Elementor; * New – Also display files size in the replacement windows; ShortPixel Image Optimization – Enable Media Replace is fully compatible with this plugin. It is nice not having to update even one link by replacing a file instead of adding a new one and deleting the other. Fixed compatibility with ShortPixel and Resize Image After Upload. * Fix – If source image doesn’t exist or in error state, replacement would be prevented by Javascript issue. Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (Australia), English (Canada), English (New Zealand), English (UK), English (US), Finnish, French (Canada), French (France), Galician, German, German (Switzerland), Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Venezuela), Swedish і Ukrainian. Resize Image After Upload plugin – automatically resize images upon upload to save traffic & disk space. Una volta attivato, ShortPixel ottimizzerà automaticamente le immagini sostituite tramite Enable Media Replace. Posted a reply to [Enable Media Replace] “File successfully replaced” backend notice stays forever, on the site WordPress.org Forums: Good morning, Can you remove and re-install the plugin, and let me know if that… 2 weeks ago. New method for uploading avoids going around WP, for greater security. * Updating and replacing images and thumbnails should now work for serialized (and such) metadata. Thanks for the plugin. New shortcode – display file modification date on your site (see description for more info). * Hidden double ‘replace media’ Once enabled, ShortPixel will automatically optimize the images you replace using Enable Media Replace. When replacing an image and changing the name, Search / Replace is now also done on the meta_value of postmeta. Resize Image After Upload plugin – automatically resize images upon upload to save traffic & disk space. In Enable Media Replace the image isn't replaced. * fix JSON compatibility for hostings that don’t have JSON module activated, Release date: 25th July 2019 * New – When replacing with new file name, now also possible to update upload path; * Language – 2 new strings added, 0 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted. Updated my image and different sizes of it that were generated by wordpress. Now properly tested and should be working with 3.1 whenever it finally comes out. Once enabled, ShortPixel will automatically optimize the images you replace using Enable Media Replace. fix for failures in link updating when replacing file because of addslashes – use prepared query instead, replace basename with wp_basename because basename doesn’t work well with UTF8. Supported by the friendly team that created ShortPixel . you can add any random string you want; this trick is used to bypass any caching from your browser to the file. There is an issue with file permissions and you may want to check that with your hosting provider. If you check this option, the name and type of the file you are about to upload will replace the old file. * Fixed: Fails silently when file is too big for upload Once enabled, ShortPixel will automatically optimize the images you replace using Enable Media Replace. Scrapped old method of detecting media screen, button to replace media will now show up in more places, yay! * Check if medium size !> 400px, display that one, otherwise smallest. ShortPixel Image Optimization — Enable Media Replace is fully compatible with this plugin. Lossy, glossy and lossless compression available. Brand new, shiny code to replace other image sizes in embedded media, thanks to GitHub user ianmjones! Enhanced the deletion method for old file/image thumbnails to never give unnecessary error messages and more accurately delete orphaned thumbs. Thanks to “Joolee” at the WordPress.org forums! – For Beaver Builder ShortPixel Image Optimization – Enable Media Replace is fully compatible with this plugin. It is far from beautiful, so if anybody has a better way of doing it, please contact me! * When source file does not exist, show placeholder instead of failed image load Resize Image After Upload plugin – automatically resize images upon upload to save traffic & disk space. Resize Image After Upload plugin – automatically resize images upon upload to save traffic & disk space. Here’s what you have to do to enable automatic streaming in Windows Media Player: Launch Windows Media Player. Release date: 23rd February 2020 * Tweak: manual Logging will no longer work if user is not logged as administrator; Now you’ll be able to replace any uploaded file from the media “edit” view, where it should be. ShortPixel Added hook for developers to enable purging possible CDN when updating files – thanks rubious for the suggestion!


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