this work for me befor now when i re install the game didnt work any idea ? After burner default duration reduced by 1/4. None for now. There are one-time and timed effects. Télécharger Partager. Instructions d'installation : Extrayez NitroMod.asi et nitroMod.ini dans le répertoire principal du jeu. Fixed players being able to nitro outside of the car. Reduced minimum and default recharge time by 100 cycles. "Realistic", as in, no magic pushing your car, this script actually makes the car have more engine power. Terms of Use - GTA 5 PC MOD GAMEPLAY. Ce mod pour GTA 5 permet d'utiliser la nitro à bord de n'importe quel véhicule. (Rocket boats). En cours de jeu, appuyez sur la touche NUM3 pour activer le script et appuyez sur SHIFT + W ou SHIFT pour utiliser la nitro. A really mean beast and I simply love it. @Eddlm excellent MOD, thanks for sharing the source code :), @Eddlm bro why I can't change nitro key it's not work, Any Chance this could get updated to newest scripthookvdotnet cause I can't use it since im on windows 10 and net frameowrk 4.5.2 is for Windows 8, @Eddlm Your mod is almost perfect... Can you make a option to disable the nitro bar in the .ini and i give you 5 stars:) Bienvenue sur All Versions. hmm this only work for the first car I drive. Added a sound effect when the turbo ends. 2.2 (current) 130 116 téléchargements , 2,8 Mo 4 juin 2015. Slight increase to the muzzle flash size. Nice this is till working :D Forums @XMOD hey bro this really a great mod and cool but when press T to turn it on it turn my selft radio , so how can i turn off it bro can you help me. System notification when loading the mod. Doar com . Baixar Compartilhar. Nitro bar that can be refilled by drifting, going against traffic or jumping. Added an option to limit the nitro to land vehicles. - The settings impact on the turbo are now less powerful as a result of the new implemented algorithims. hmm this only work for the first car I drive. Compatible avec GTA V sur PC. @Eddlm Awesome mod, any chance to be able to resize the nitro bar? Added an EngineMultiplier so you can set how much power the engine has when using nitro. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: Utilitaires; Véhicules; Peintures; Armes; Scripts; Joueur; Maps; Divers; Forums; Plus. This is a needed mod, thank you for creating this. My ears. Anyone know how I can fix this? any help ? update: i just lower the bar position like infinite (-9999999999) in the .ini. Have fun :). The mod now shows a one-time message that can only be removed by opening SETUP menu. Compatible avec GTA V sur PC. super EPIC mod but can you fix it Maybe you guys have some suggestions. Have fun :). 9 janvier 2016. hey . The turbo kicks in faster but the duration is shorter. any help ? - Reworked engine boost, the car won't reach ridiculously high speed but.


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