Optional for the other message types. You can use the quick reply feature with any message type. Max width: 1024px Returns status code 200 and a link token. Status of the counting process. To check whether your key fingerprints match, follow the steps below. Be sure to set either one of the text property or contents property. PUT https://api.line.me/v2/bot/audienceGroup/upload. Max character limit: 20. Returned by the Twitter Search and Trends API when the client is being rate limited. The LINE Developers site is a portal site for developers. For more information, see Offset in the Messaging API documentation. This property is supported on the following version of LINE. When the user taps a button, a specified action is performed. When a control associated with this action is tapped, the URI specified in the uri property is opened. The default value is 1:1. How can I loop through screen areas and point to specific area? GET https://api.line.me/v2/bot/insight/demographic. A vertical line will be rendered in a horizontal box and a horizontal line will be rendered in a vertical box. For more information, see Vertical alignment in the Messaging API documentation. Gets the user profile of a member of a room that the LINE Official Account is in if the user ID of the room member is known. You can get information of users who have added your LINE Official Account as a friend. Specify a RGB color value. To send a video, include the URL of the video file and the URL of a preview image in the message object. null is returned for any other type of audience. Reserved for future use. After excluding all user IDs that return anything other than status code 200, execute the failed endpoint once again. Free space between the border at the right end of this box and the right end of the child element. To protect users' privacy, the values of some properties related to user interactions may be displayed as null or -1. The reason why the operation failed. For more information, see Sending Flex Messages and Flex Message in the Messaging API reference. POST https://api.line.me/v2/bot/group/{groupId}/leave. Supported on LINE 8.2.0 or later for iOS. The message is sent to any user who has clicked at least one link. Max number: 10,000. Include this parameter to get the next array of user IDs for the members of the group. Creates an audience for click-based retargeting. One of the following values to indicate whether a target limit is set or not. Max character limit: 1000 A Buttons, Confirm, Carousel, or Image Carousel object. Supported on LINE 8.2.0 or later for iOS. POST https://api.line.me/v2/bot/user/{userId}/linkToken. The retry key lets you retry a request while preventing the same request from being accepted in duplicate. Width of base image in pixels. Number of times audio or video in the bubble started playing. If the parent element is a horizontal box, this only takes effect when its child elements have their flex property set equal to 0. A container is the top-level structure of a Flex Message. Find it in the response headers. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Specify text/plain as Content-Type. Downloads an image associated with a rich menu. Text directionality and the direction of placement of components in horizontal boxes. To send a text message, include the text in a message object. To send images, include URLs of the original image and a smaller preview image in the message object. The default value is regular. This is only included when audienceGroups[].type is CLICK or IMP. Alignment style in vertical direction. It is possible to use transparent PNG in your imagemap messages. Action when tapped For more information, see Icon, text, and span size in the Messaging API documentation. Normal statistics will be returned. If you change devices, you can keep using your existing LINE account by transferring it to your new device. The page to return when getting (paginated) results. For more information, see Alignment in horizontal direction in the Messaging API documentation. https://example.com/bot/images/rm001/700.png). Gets the user profile of a member of a group that the LINE Official Account is in if the user ID of the group member is known. Max character limit: 20, URL of the image to display as an icon when sending a message, Text message example of changed icon and display name. Unlike 401, the client’s identity is known to the server. Display name. For more information, see Using quick replies. A carousel can't contain bubbles of different widths (size property). This includes the user IDs of users who have not added the LINE Official Account as a friend or have blocked the LINE Official Account. Indicates that a requested response must be accessed by a proxy. The maximum size of JSON data that defines a bubble is 30 KB. This is case-insensitive, meaning AUDIENCE and audience are considered identical. How child elements are aligned along the main axis of the parent element. Webpage URL Simply increase them all like I have done in the above example. These properties are used for the quick reply feature. The image will not display in the imagemap message if the URL contains the image file extension (e.g. For more information, see Offset in the Messaging API documentation. ID for a LINE emoji inside a set. Max: 100 user IDs. Do not use the LINE ID found on LINE. The image carousel template is a message type that enables users to scroll through multiple images. When the specified user ID is valid, status code 200 and a JSON object with the following information will be returned. A user is within the range of the beacon's reception. When a user receives a message that contains quick reply buttons from a LINE Official Account, those buttons appear at the bottom of the chat screen. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. Sends push messages to multiple users at any time. The displayText and text properties cannot both be used at the same time. This property takes a "best-effort" approach that may work differently—or not at all!—on some platforms. The default icon is displayed because the. If you're using Android OS version 8.0 or later and want to display message notifications on your lock screen, please see, Checking/changing your registered information, Some pages for LINE and other family apps are not displaying properly, How LINE POINTS are automatically exchanged for Coins, Transferring your account with a phone number, I'm not receiving the verification code text message. Indicates the client that the response has not been modified, so the client can continue to use the same cached version of the response. 1955: When Marty couldn't use the time circuits anymore was the car still actually driveable? Width of box border. For more information, see Carousel template in the Messaging API reference. Can we say someone is a "tasteful" person? Max: 100 user IDs. Max number: 1,500,000. Set 2 actions for the 2 buttons. The pop-up notification feature has been discontinued. 2015-03-29T09:30:47 -> Working, I'm very unfamiliar with the whole "Web Services == Soap == WS-*" development stack, but I do know Magento 1.6 introduced something called "WS-I Compliance" for its API. All Rights Reserved. For more information, see Icon, text, and span size in the Messaging API documentation. Required for the button of Flex Message. Good luck, C# SOAP - Error in deserializing body of reply message (Magento API), Content Type Error Consuming Magento 1.5 Webservices from .Net. This is md by default. You can set up to 13 quick reply buttons to a message of any type. Max: 500 user IDs. Flex Messages are messages with a customizable layout. Base URL of the image The specific property is displayed for "XXX". Reference position for placing this box. Protocol: HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or later) In addition to the actions above, the following actions that are common to the other message types are available: An icon of your choice is displayed at the beginning of the quick reply button. ア // ID (country code=360). For this reason, depending on the character width, the message text may not be fully displayed even when it is within the character limits. Span is set to contents property in Text. Creates an audience for impression-based retargeting. If the button's action is a camera action, camera roll action, or location action, and no icon is set, the default icon is displayed. For more information, see Sticker message in the Messaging API reference. You can't send messages that exceed this limit. For this reason, depending on the character width, the message text may not be fully displayed even when it is within the character limits. Yes, "api/v2_soap" is the correct URL to trigger Magento's soap_wsi handler. Protocol: HTTPS (TLS 1.2 or later) When a user taps one of these areas, you can redirect them to a webpage or send a message on their behalf. Background color of the block. If you send a video message with trackingId added, the video viewing complete event occurs when the user finishes watching the video. Max: 40. The default value is none. Doing it in the config makes it 'global' to to say, I also had to do under basicHttpBinding. For more information, see Box width in the Messaging API documentation. Label. An imagemap message contains an image with multiple tappable areas. A continuation token to get the next array of user IDs of the members in the room. The LINE Messaging API SDK for Python makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. Vertical position of the video area relative to the top of the imagemap area. For more information, see Offset in the Messaging API documentation. Required for the button of Flex Message. I updated the Web Service reference and it works for me. Number of times audio or video in the bubble was played in its entirety.


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