You can increase or decrease the sensitivity based on your preferences. Convert your sensitivity Using this calculator, you can convert sensitivity from a game to another game in no time. Supported aims . Most games have their own sensitivity number, so you cannot just copy the sensitivity value from one game to another. Most computer games with mouse aiming have a sensitivity value that decides how sensitive your aim is to your hand movement. You will get a new sensitivity in Inch and Centimeters 360 degrees. Saved inputs . The sensitivity you're using in the game you're converting from. The DPI of your mouse that you plan to use in the game you're converting to. This means moving your mouse a certain distance will rotate your view in both games the same distance (or at least extremely close to it depending on the game's settings). Convert mouse sensitivity from one game to another. It comes on top of the default settings you for your mouse in Windows. Apr 3, 2017 @ 1:51am okay thanks, i hope windows input wont lag #8. Many other games use the Source Game Engine or scale their sensitivity the same as CS:GO. Besides, your mouse DPI setting (which you can change in your mouse software) also influences your actual sensitivity, making it hard to compare your sensitivity with others. What exactly is the aim calculator? If you want your aim to be consistent, you want the same sensitivity across all … Convert mouse sensitivity from one game to another. There are over 20 famous shooting games included in this converter. First thing first, you need to input your game that you are converting from. To be honest, there is not any accuracy about sensitivity. The calculator supports a lot of games, you can choose any of the games to convert the sensitivity back and between these games. However, if you plan to use a different mouse DPI for each game, this calculator can factor this in when converting your sensitivity. Faster sensitivity of mouse will help you get your work done quickly, but for some people, it might be hard to control so again have it according to your wants and needs. I have that set to maximum, combined with raw input. A sensitivity calculator will help to determine the right amount of sensitivity according to your wants and needs. A sensitivity calculator will help to determine the right amount of sensitivity according to your wants and needs. That's probably your only chance to get the exact same sensitivity across all games, I used it some time ago and it does its job. You don’t have to leave or change your hand movement, handgrip, or anything like that for a new game when you can use the sensitivity converter. The Converter is Outputting the Same Sensitivity for Both Games. Also, if you want to improve your aim in Fortnite, try out the free Aiming.Pro After that, you can enter your mouse DPI, it’s an optional thing to add. This sensitivity determines how fast or how slow your mouse will move in the game. Mouse Sensitivity Calculator or Converter will solve all of your problems regarding sensitivity issues. Don't let all that hard work go to waste when playing a new game! You can find this value by going under the game configuration file. Unfortunately, mouse sensitivity is a tricky business. It is how fast and how quickly your mouse moves when you try to move it. In fact, most of the players like to keep the sensitivity the same for all the played games since it helps them to be more consistent. If you're using the same DPI for both games, just make sure that both of the DPI inputs in the calculator are the same value. It is a durable converter. The answer to this question is yes; you can have the same sensitivity on every shooting game. Most computer games with mouse aiming have a sensitivity value that decides how sensitive your aim is to your hand movement. Some of you might be confused at this point so let’s start from the beginning. CALCULATOR SETTINGS . The answer is simple and understandable. This sensitivity calculator lets you find an in-game sens for your new game that's the same as the in-game sens that you're converting from. Online Games like CS:GO allow great control with powerful commands and adjustments through the developer console. Instructions | Request games . The answer is simple and understandable. If you want your aim to be consistent, you want the same sensitivity across all games so you don't have to relearn your aim for each new game. Don't let all that hard work go to waste when playing a new game! Optionally enter your mouse dpi in the final box to see your distance p/360cm (that is, the mouse movement required to do a 360 degree turn). Supported Games. To list a few examples, you'll get the same in-game sensitivity for Apex Legends, Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Quake, and Portal 2. TenkuLo. About This Sensitivity Converter. Mouse Sensitivity Conversion Guide If you would like to keep the same sensitivity for this game as you use for others, I found a way to do it. It is all about personal preferences. Have it however you like it to be. Mouse Sensitivity Calculator or Converter will solve all of your problems regarding sensitivity issues. You've spent countless hours building muscle memory for a specific sensitivity. Our calculator can be used to convert your sensitivity to or from the following games: The DPI of your mouse that you're using in the game you're converting from. Some of you might be confused at this point so let’s start from the beginning. Translation help needed! This calculator helps you convert mouse sensitivity between games. It is the speed of the pointer of your mouse. While Squad is not among most possible conversions, CS:GO is. If you don't know your mouse DPI, that's okay, so long as you're using the same mouse/mouse settings for both games. Our sens converter will do the rest. It takes us quite a lot of time to build up a habit of playing a certain game, such as for shooting, running, or to learn all the mouse movements of that specific game. This is a beta version, layout will be broken with custom languages! By the way if you don't have a friend with a premium subscription you'd have to get one yourself. Mouse Sensitivity Calculator and Converter . In other words, the converted sensitivity will give you the same in/360 (cm/360) in both games. There is a specific value of the sensitivity of each game. Version 9.1 - … There are over 20 shooting games to choose from. We know that each game requires a different sensitivity or mouse movement. The mouse sensitivity is a setting that is adjusted directly in games like CS:GO and defines how sensitive your mouse will be when moving it. Below that is the "Mouse Look Sensitivity" option, which normally should set how fast your mouse moves. See this thread if you want to assist in translating the calculator to your language! I am sure that your beloved game might be in it as well. Someone might ask what the accurate amount of sensitivity is. You can match your mouse sensitivity between Fortnite and another game by entering your in-game sensitivity above and choosing a target game. If you type in your mouse DPI, it also shows how many centimeters (or inches) of mouse movement it takes to make a 360° turn in game. If you are coming over from a number of popular games such as siege, CoD, Battlefield, etc there are a number of conversion websites you can use between games. Last edited by globefish23; Apr 3, 2017 @ 1:34am #7. ELED3L. Many players face issues when they download a new game since it takes time to create a particular space in your mind to get used to the setup of the game. This free mouse sensitivity converter can help you find the same in-game sensitivity for all the games you play. Mouse sensitivity calculator is not only able the mouse movement, but it has to do with how does it feels to move the mouse, what is it like to play the game, how are the driver’s of the game, how is the operating system of the game, how is the grip of the mouse when you try to move the mouse from one place to another. Once this is done, you need to enter the sensitivity value of your previously selected game. Just pick your games and enter your sensitivity. Some games, such as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, even make your in-game FOV (field of view) setting influence your sensitivity, which further complicates thing. What exactly is the aim calculator? Supported games . Some people prefer it faster, while others like it slower. This sensitivity calculator lets you find an in-game sens for your new game that's the same as the in-game sens that you're converting from. Having it according to your wants and needs will eliminate any kind of issues such as being less precise. Total entries w/ special options . With the help of it, you can pretend all of your hard work to not go to waste. This is a better way to compare your sensitivity settings with others. You've spent countless hours building muscle memory for a specific sensitivity. Lastly, simply select the game you want your mouse sensitivity to convert at. You can select any of your favorite or desired shooting game from the list and get going.


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