Sincerely,The SOLIDWORKS Documentation Team. See, Add face IDs to newly created faces when getting the edges that result from the intersection of two bodies.  | Get a Quote Web Help Content Version: API Help (English only) 2021 SP0 This topic provides you with quick access to the enhancements made to SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional API. solidworks apiの記事(31件) solidworks api 覚書 その28 excelで寸法取得とか変更するマクロ . See, Get or set whether to convert width polylines to solid fill hatches when importing to the part sketch.  | Contact Sales The API contains hundreds of functions that you can call from Visual Click here for information about technical support, I acknowledge I have read and I hereby accept the, Get all controls in a file or folder data card. See, Get the ID of the view in which a file is checked out. Terms of Use Both of these products share the same API.  | Contact Sales software. To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. See, Get a list of values associated with a drop-down control on a data card. See, Get or set face hatch type and scope. To provide feedback on individual help topics, use the “Feedback on this topic” link on the individual topic page. See, Determine whether an update is available for a 3D Interconnect part or assembly. IEdmVault14::InstallLicense2 obsoletes and replaces, Includes a new primary interop assembly (also called an interop) called, SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM API Help has been upgraded to be consistent with all of the other SOLIDWORKS API Help systems. Sincerely,The SOLIDWORKS Documentation Team. SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM is now called SOLIDWORKS PDM, and the API is only available in SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional. Terms of Use See, The name of the type library has changed from. See, 2014 and earlier, licenses were shared among all vaults that were in the same SQL Server instance. See, Copy an assembly tree of referenced parts and drawings to a destination folder. Allows you to sort a body folder cut list. To report problems encountered with the Web help interface and search, contact your local support representative. *.dll) API interfaces and functions are not supported and should not be used. データ作成・操作-寸法再表示-31 【概要】 非表示にしたフィーチャー寸法を再表示するサンプルです。 アクティブな部品ドキュメントにおいて,非表示にした寸法を再表示します。 On the Manual Download Packages page, click SOLIDWORKS API SDK in the Step 5 - Optional updates table to download the API SDK to a local directory. To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. See, Specify advanced options when saving a part, assembly, or drawing. See, Get the Physical Product represented by a configuration in SOLIDWORKS Connected. Use of the SOLIDWORKS API assumes that you are familiar with VBA, VB.NET, Change the state of a file using a specific transition. A check mark The new API gets all mass properties displayed in the Mass Properties dialog, allows you to set a few mass properties, and allows you to override mass properties. This topic provides you with quick access to the enhancements in SOLIDWORKS API 2020. All rights reserved. You can find the SOLIDWORKS primary interop assemblies (SolidWorks.Interop. Interface (API), which you can use to automate and customize the SOLIDWORKS solidworks api 覚書 その26 フィーチャースケッチにアクセスするマクロ (+宣伝. See, Specify options only when saving an assembly to a part.  | Get a Quote See, Support for detailing mode in drawings. Click here for information about technical support, I acknowledge I have read and I hereby accept the, Get the type of SOLIDWORKS that is running, SOLIDWORKS Desktiop or SOLIDWORKS Connected. To provide feedback on individual help topics, use the “Feedback on this topic” link on the individual topic page. To report problems encountered with the Web help interface and search, contact your local support representative. New and changed functionality. Search 'Release Notes' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base. To enable your desired access See, Add users by login type to the vault. The name of the type library has changed from ConisioLib to EdmLib. or verifying the parameters of a surface. We will contact you if we have questions regarding your feedback. Thank you for your comments. For optimized display, we suggest upgrading your browser to Internet Explorer 7 or newer. Double-click apisdk.exe or SolidWorks API SDK.msi to run the API SDK InstallShield Wizard. The name of the API has changed from Conisio 6.4 Type Library … See, Edit a 3D Interconnect part or assembly. indicates that API Help is enabled on the Web. dvd (6) news (17) solidworks操作マニュアル (123) マニュアル (117) 動画 (5) 実務ノウハウ (95) アセンブリ (27) モデ …  | Get a Quote  | Get a Product Demo NOTE: All of the sample code supplied is provided on an as-is basis, and is only intended to demonstrate ways of using the SOLIDWORKS API. (※solidworksでは寸法は自動的に で表されます。) ( )カッコ表示のボタンをおします。 簡単にカッコが追加できました。 一度お試しください。 参考寸法, 図面, 寸法. Use the form below to send your comments and suggestions about this topic directly to our documentation team. Allows you to create an explode view of a multibody part.  | Get a Product Demo All add-ins must now be multi-threaded; for example, create your add-ins using the Visual Studio .NET development environment. See, Save a document with SOLIDWORKS Connected. Thank you for your comments. We will contact you if we have questions regarding your feedback. Search 'Release Notes' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base. Search 'Welcome' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base. For optimized display, we suggest upgrading your browser to Internet Explorer 7 or newer. Find missing references in a fillet/chamfer and reassign them to new edges. To provide feedback on individual help topics, use the “Feedback on this topic” link on the individual topic page. See. 2015 SP0 and later, licenses are shared among all vaults that use the same SolidNetwork License Server (SNL). See, Get reference component names and paths and modify them. SOLIDWORKS Document Manager APIを使用して,指定したフォルダのSOLIDWORKS ドキュメントからプロパティ情報を取得し,新規Excelワークブックに出力します。 ※ ファイルの表示をハイパーリンクにしました。 ※ SOLIDWORKS Document Manager APIのライセンスキーが別途必要です。 Web Help Content Version: API Help (English only) 2020 SP05 To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. Support for 64-bit add-ins for the 64-bit version is included in this release. These functions provide direct access to SOLIDWORKS functionality SOLIDWORKS recommends that you use the Basic for Applications (VBA), VB.NET, Visual C#, Visual C++ 6.0 , and See, IModelDocExtension::SaveAs2 (superseded by, Import a third-party native part or assembly into a new SOLIDWORKS document. Click here for information about technical support. 4-2-5. See, Specify prefix and/or suffix for all referenced components. Add custom tabs to a PDM vault view in File Explorer using a PDM add-in. Use the form below to send your comments and suggestions about this topic directly to our documentation team. Conisio has been re-branded as SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM; however, an OEM-version of the product sold under the name Conisio still exists. See, Determine whether a feature is a 3D Interconnect feature. We have detected you are using a browser version older than Internet Explorer 7. Allows you to initialize a mirror component feature using a smaller set of parameters and extend the feature using a feature data object. See, Create configuration values for drawings or other files lacking properties at the configuration level. Terms of Use For example, SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM API Help now includes syntax for VB.NET, C#, and managed C++ and a, includes C# and VB.NET add-in and stand-alone code samples that you can recreate in Microsoft Visual Studio. See, Break the link between the imported part/assembly file and the original part/assembly file. See, DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify2EventHandler (superseded by, IAssemblyDoc::MirrorComponents3 (superseded by, IBody2::GetIntersectionEdges and IBody2::IGetIntersectionEdges (superseded by, IFeatureManager::AdvancedHole (superseded by, IModelDocExtension::CreateMassProperty (superseded by, IModelDocExtension::GetMassProperties2 (superseded by, IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrControl3 (superseded by, ISelectionMgr::ResumeSelectionList (superseded by. See. using the Microsoft Visual Studio.NET development environment. If you use the local version of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM API Help, then click the Index tab and type, SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM includes a primary interop assembly (also called an interop) called. Thank you for your comments. See, Specify whether to append a new selection list to a previously suspended selection list before resuming. SolidWorks.Interop.swmotionstudy Namespace, SolidWorks.Interop.swhtmlcontrol Namespace, DAssemblyDocEvents_RenameDisplayTitleNotifyEventHandler, DDrawingDocEvents_RenameDisplayTitleNotifyEventHandler, DPartDocEvents_RenameDisplayTitleNotifyEventHandler, IDocumentSpecification::PLMObjectSpecification, ISaveTo3DExperienceOptions::SetRevisionComments, IModelDocExtension::GetAdvancedSaveAsOptions, IAdvancedSaveAsOptions::SetPrefixSuffixToAll, IAdvancedSaveAsOptions::GetItemsNameAndPath, IAdvancedSaveAsOptions::ModifyItemsNameAndPath, IAdvancedSaveAsOptions::PreserveGeometryReferences, IAdvancedSaveAsOptions::ConfigurationsToSave, Obsoleted methods, properties, and delegates, IFeature::Is3DInterconnectUpdateAvailable, DSldWorksEvents_Begin3DInterconnectTranslationNotifyEventHandler, DSldWorksEvents_End3DInterconnectTranslationNotifyEventHandler, IConfiguration::GetCurrentPartExplodeViewName, IConfiguration::GetNumberOfPartExplodeSteps, IPartDoc::GetExplodedViewConfigurationName, ISimpleFilletFeatureData2::EnablePartialEdgeParameters, ISimpleFilletFeatureData2::GetPartialEdgeFilletData, ISimpleFilletFeatureData2::SetPartialEdgeFilletData, ISimpleFilletFeatureData2::RepairMissingReferences, IModelViewManager::CreateFeatureMgrControl4, ICutListSortOptions::CollectIdenticalBodies, ICutListSortOptions::GetFacesOrFeaturesToExclude, ICutListSortOptions::SetFacesOrFeaturesToExclude, IImport3DInterconnectData::CustomProperties, IImport3DInterconnectData::GetAuthoringInfo, IImport3DInterconnectData::GetReferencedFileName, IImport3DInterconnectData::IgnoreHiddenEntities, IImport3DInterconnectData::SetReferencedFileName, IImport3DInterconnectData::SketchesAndCurves, IMassProperty2::IncludeHiddenBodiesOrComponents, IMassProperty2::PrincipalMomentsOfInertia, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::GetOverrideCenterOfMassValue, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::GetOverrideMassValue, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::GetOverrideMomentsOfInertiaValue, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::GetOverridePrincipalAxesOrientation, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::GetOverridePrincipalMomentsOfInertia, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::OverrideCenterOfMass, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::OverrideMass, MassPropertyOverrideOptions::OverrideMomentsOfInertia, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::SetOverrideCenterOfMassValue, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::SetOverrideMassValue, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::SetOverrideMomentsOfInertiaValue, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::SetOverridePrincipalAxesOrientation, IMassPropertyOverrideOptions::SetOverridePrincipalMomentsOfInertia, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::AccessSelections, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::AlignmentReferences, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::BreakLinksToOriginalPart, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::ComponentOrientationsAlignToComponentOrigin, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::ComponentOrientationsAlignToSelection, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::ComponentsToInstanceAlignToComponentOrigin, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::ComponentsToInstanceAlignToSelection, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::CreateDerivedConfigurations, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::DimXpertScheme, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::FlipDirections, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::MirrorComponentsFolderLocation, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::MirroredComponentFilenames, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::MirrorTransferOptions, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::NameModifier, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::NameModifierType, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::OppositeHandComponents, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::PlaceFilesInOneFolder, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::PreserveZAxis, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::PropagateFromOriginalPart, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::ReleaseSelectionAccess, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::ReplaceFileLocations, IMirrorComponentFeatureData::SyncFlexibleSubAssemblies, IPartExplodeStep::ReverseTranslationDirection, IPartialEdgeFilletData::AlongEdgeDirection, IPartialEdgeFilletData::DistanceOffsetEnd, IPartialEdgeFilletData::DistanceOffsetStart, IPartialEdgeFilletData::PercentOffsetStart, IPartialEdgeFilletData::ReferenceOffsetEnd, IPartialEdgeFilletData::ReferenceOffsetEndType, IPartialEdgeFilletData::ReferenceOffsetStart, IPartialEdgeFilletData::ReferenceOffsetStartType, IPartialEdgeFilletData::SetPartialFilletParameters, ISlicingData::AddSlicingPlanesAndSketchesToFolder, DAssemblyDocEvents_ComponentStateChangeNotify3EventHandler, ICircularPatternFeatureData::FeatureScope, ICircularPatternFeatureData::FeatureScopeBodies, ICircularPatternFeatureData::SetFeatureScope, ICurveDrivenPatternFeatureData::AutoSelect, ICurveDrivenPatternFeatureData::D1FaceNormal, ICurveDrivenPatternFeatureData::FeatureScope, ICurveDrivenPatternFeatureData::FeatureScopeBodies, ICurveDrivenPatternFeatureData::SetFeatureScope, IDerivedPartFeatureData::ImportCoordinateSystems, IDerivedPartFeatureData::ImportCustomProperties, IDerivedPartFeatureData::ImportCutListProperties, IDerivedPartFeatureData::ImportHoleWizardData, IDerivedPartFeatureData::ImportModelDimensions, IDerivedPartFeatureData::ImportSheetMetalInformation, IDerivedPartFeatureData::ImportSolidBodies, IDerivedPartFeatureData::PartConfiguration, ILinearPatternFeatureData::FeatureScopeBodies, ILinearPatternFeatureData::SetFeatureScope, ILocalCircularPatternFeatureData::Direction2, ILocalCircularPatternFeatureData::EqualSpacing2, ILocalCircularPatternFeatureData::Spacing2, ILocalCircularPatternFeatureData::Symmetric, ILocalCircularPatternFeatureData::TotalInstances2, ILocalCurvePatternFeatureData::D1FaceNormal, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::AlignToSeed, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndCondition, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndReference, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndReferenceType, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndRefOffset, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndRefReverseOffset, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndSeedReference, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndSeedReferenceType, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndUseSeedReference, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D1EndUseSpacing, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndCondition, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndReference, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndReferenceType, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndRefOffset, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndRefReverseOffset, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndSeedReference, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndSeedReferenceType, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndUseSeedReference, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::D2EndUseSpacing, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::FixedAxisOfRotation, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::ReverseAxisOfRotation, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::RotateInstances, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::RotationAngle, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::RotationAxis, ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData::SeedAlignmentReferencePoint, ISketchPatternFeatureData::FeatureScopeBodies, ISketchPatternFeatureData::SetFeatureScope.


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