Let’s see what this looks like on an object. We haven’t added any ‘hard cut’ to the lighting yet, which is central to the cel-shaded aesthetic. You can minimise most of these previews to keep the graph concise, but it’s extremely useful to see what your material looks like at key stages. Let’s call it “Toon Shading Shader Graph” and open it. It’s down to personal preference which you pick. A greyscale value of 8 bits has a 0..255 range. Like before, this will require a restart of Unity if you've already compiled the shader when its length was four. In this section, we’ll introduce what Shader Graph is, how to create new graphs, and how they relate to the traditional shader code we’ve been writing so far. Create a Position node, select the World type from its drop-down and connect its output to the WorldPos input of the Custom Function node. Finally, the Multiply output is connected to the master’s Emission slot. In our case, I made a simple 1×16 texture with a different amount of shading. Connect the output of Use Fresnel to that node. Click the cog menu in the top-right corner of the node to configure the inputs and outputs - we’ll need a Vector3 in the Inputs section, followed by two Vector3s and a Vector1 for the Outputs. We’ll be building on other tutorials, which I’ll be linking throughout the article. Now, with the basics of Shader Graph out of the way, we’re ready to think about lighting. Returns the exponential value of input In. We can add a keyword using the Blackboard plus-arrow menu. If Unity is rendering a preview window inside Shader Graph, it doesn’t actually have access to a main light at all, so we’ll provide “fake” output values to pretend there is a light. Each component should be within the range of -Pi/2 to Pi/2. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Finally, Normalize the output. SRP also brings support for Shader Graph, Unity’s new node-based shader editor. Returns the result of input A to the power of input B. Then, left-click the tiny circle next to the Emission channel (this is called a pin) and drag out a line to the left. Returns the dot product, or scalar product, of the values of the inputs A and B. Fresnel Effect is the effect of differing reflectance on a surface depending on viewing angle, where as you approach the grazing angle more light is reflected. Or, if we decrease the influence of diffuse light, we can treat rim lighting as a stylistic effect. Inside the function, we’ll need to use directives to determine where this object is being rendered. Returns the sum of both partial derivatives. beautiful-jekyll. Your main preview should now update to show a material with diffuse shading! Returns the result of transforming the value of input In from one coordinate space to another. We’ll wrap the node in a Sub Graph, and finally, we’ll use the Sub Graph in our main graph. Here’s the lighting ramp texture I’ve used (it’s included in the project files at 128x2 resolution, and this version has an outline so you can see it properly): Two lighting ramps - one for diffuse and one for specular - included in one texture. Connecting Normal Vector and Dot Product nodes. Returns the arcsine of each component the input In as a vector of equal length. Next, we have to define the body of our function. Ports Returns the remainder of input A divided by input B. For the Attenuation, we will need to multiply the distanceAttenuation and shadowAttenuation properties of the Light. float4x4 _WorldToShadowCascadeMatrices[5]; Now we have to include the (0,0,0,0) → 4 conversion, which we can do by starting with 4 and subtracting the dot product of the isolated flag with (4,3,2,1). Next, select the File Type and select GetLighting.hlsl for the Source field. We’ll also create a View Direction node with its Space set to World, pass its output to a Normalize node (which sets the vector’s length to 1), then pass that into the other Add input. We’ll also add a second property with the Texture2D type and call it “Albedo”. The first question we’ll ask is: why are we using the PBR Master node instead of Unlit Master? If you’ve used Unreal Engine or even Blender, you may have come across similar node-based systems already. Returns the cosine of the value of input In. Back on the main graph, you should see a MainLighting node with the outputs we needed. That was simple! ‍♀️, But it also has some problems… Even if we can make it work with Shader Graph, it’s still missing a few things. Returns the dot product, or scalar product, of the values of the inputs A and B. Fresnel Effect is the effect of differing reflectance on a surface depending on viewing angle, where as you approach the grazing angle more light is reflected. We’ll Saturate the result - this will clamp the value between 0 and 1 - then Multiply its output with the Attenuation from MainLighting to account for shadows. Unity then applies lighting to the object based on these properties. For the Power input, we want to be able to control this in the material Inspector, so add a new property called Rim Strength of type Vector1 - this time, the Mode will be Slider and we’ll set the Min value to 0.001 and the Max to 1. a missed post to a charity – 200 donated! Square Wavve In type, please select “String” as we just want to paste our code to the node. We’ll be able to use that to implement Diffuse Lighting. We will also pass the world position into the custom node here. Let’s have one final look at what this looks like in practice with the normal map applied to Ethan: Shader Graph is a powerful and flexible tool for writing shaders. Our code will grab the main light for our model, and we can simply read its properties. If you check the material in the scene so far, you’ll get something like this: A specular highlight appears where the light shines on the object. After the Colorspace Conversion node, we will use a Split node to grab only the B component of the colour (the outputs of Split unfortunately assume an RGB colour vector is used as input, but since we’ve input a HSV colour, it’ll output hue, saturation, value and alpha respectively for R, G, B and A). To get a normal vector in world space, we have to use the Normal Vector node with the World option selected. Ramp texture is nothing more than a texture with a height of 1px and a width of how much you want. Let’s also add the ability to add a texture to the material. We’ll start with the calculation of the half vector, then calculate NdotH. With that, we’ve completed our cel-shading Shader Graph - congratulations for making it this far! We will use a cel-shading technique for the lighting, but that doesn’t mean we can’t apply a base texture if we want! If we use Create Node to search for the word “Texture”, we get several options popping up - we’ll use the Sample Texture 2D node for this. I would really appreciate that! That’s not the only thing that’s visualised - use a Color node, and Unity will display the colour. If you’re not interested in what the code does, skip to the bottom of this subsection and copy the completed code chunk into this file. Returns the hyperbolic tangent of input In. There are several components that make up the final lighting value - let’s explore each one. Then, we do the dot product of that with the normal vector - this calculation is called n dot h. Fresnel lighting (pronounced “fruh-nell”) typically isn’t included in the Phong shading model, but it’s an aesthetic addition that goes well with cel-shading. You can right-click on the preview window to swap the shape of the preview mesh to a cube, quad, sphere and a handful of others. Shader Graph is Unity’s new-ish node-basedshader editor. . So how can one create such an effect himself? In Shader Graph, you can find a list of properties on the Blackboard. The left side of the ramp texture controls how dark the lighting is at its darkest, and the right side controls how bright it is at its brightest - all values between control how the lighting transitions between dark to light. Returns 1 if the value of input In is greater than or equal to the value of input Edge, otherwise returns 0. Next, we’ll need to check if the main directional light is casting shadows. We ought to factor in the Color of the MainLighting node too - right before we add the ambient light, we’ll Multiply everything by the Color. Returns the arctangent of the value of input In. Fresnel lighting is based on the view direction and normal vector. Now, we will have to normalize the output of the Dot Product to be in the range of 0 to 1. We’re going to add a new one using the plus symbol - select Color from the drop-down menu. However, that also means Unlit materials don’t receive shadows by default. Here’s the full code listing for those who skipped to the end: Now we can add a Custom Function node to use this code. Returns the smallest integer value, or whole number, that is greater than or equal to the value of input In. Also add a Normal Vector node (with its Space set to Tangent) and connect both that and the Sample Texture 2D into a Normal Blend node - this is going to blend the normal information from the mesh and the normal map. We’ll also need to change the Type to Normal and the Space to Tangent. We’ve been able to create a configurable, efficient cel-shader using a combination of Shader Graph and scripting and used it to demonstrate the power of Universal Render Pipeline. To do it, we just need to add 1 to the value and later divide it by 2. Now we need to increase the strength of the specular light - if we added it now, we’d get a large white blob covering most of the material (including the bits that are meant to be darkened by the diffuse light) instead of a small, bright highlight. You will also need to change the Precision to Half using the drop-down at the top of the window. This is a good start, but you can’t modify the colour without going into the graph. Returns the determinant of the matrix defined by input In. And with that, we won’t need to do any more scripting for the rest of the article. We’ll connect the new Albedo node to the Texture input pin of the Sample Texture 2D node, then connect the RGBA output node to a new Multiply node. Right-click the Custom Function node and select Convert to Sub-graph. I’m using the default URP sample scene for this, but I’ve made the drywall panel black, so we’ll be able to see lighting details more easily. Returns the tangent of the value of input In. Dragging out a new node from a pin will automatically connect the two pins. Then, we can plug in the colour we want to use for the material into the Emission channel. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of input In. Then, we’ll need to do all of the above between the output of the Specular Lighting group and the Add node that it’s connected to, with only one difference: the Y value of the Vector2 node is 1 instead of 0. You’ll be asked to create a new asset - I called mine MainLighting.shadersubgraph. The best way to get to grips with Shader Graph is to start using it, so let’s jump right in! Shader Graph is Unity’s new-ish node-based shader editor. Returns a sawtooth wave from the value of input In. Stick a Transform node on the graph to transform between Tangent and World space, with Type set to Direction. Returns a reflection vector using input In and a surface normal Normal. Keywords give us a way to introduce branches into our shader in a safe way; if-statements in shaders often slow them down because the hardware can’t use prediction techniques, but with a keyword we can compile two versions of the shader - one which uses Rim Strength for the Fresnel, and the other that just returns zero.


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