It would be something like this, with potentially a little debate about a handful of peoples pet weapons. Lifesteal? Nodachi. There is a fine weapon tier list, its just nobody cares enough about the game to make one. Hello sire, This is knight Gundam, second division shield bearer of house HomeGrown here. But what is your opinion on the best weapon right now? It’s going to take 250,000 XP to finally reach this one though. Following suit other famous artists of the electro genre such as Daft Punk and Deadmau5, this Fortnite character wears a massive metallic helmet in the shape of a llama head. But you did say it's your ranking, so it's acceptable as that. The others are relatively balanced, each having a role they are good at but not being blatantly overpowered. Latest Content. However, you'll need to gather experience to unlock this skin's other styles. Want to get to a random perch were troops aren't going to be and just slowly but surely destroy all of the enemies troops? History Talk (0) Comments Share. Nodachi: Good unit and hero killing potential when used right. But who cares? Be prepared to give the game some dedication, though, since it requires 200,000 XP to unlock. Both are 1,500 V-Bucks($15) in the item shop. the LS combos are easily avoidable and are mostly slashing damage (which most people build to negate) the ultimate was also butchered (shield charge) rendering it "meh" at best. At level 550+ I have Musket, Glaive, Nodachi, Spear, Maul, SS, LS and Pole Axe all fully trained max with all ults. His third is white with yellow accents. PoleAxe, the CC king lots of AoE CC to fuck with units and a strong single target CC ulti of death to cheese players with. This vampire character has cold purple skin, glowing red eyes, white hair with purple edges, and creepy black claws. Fairly new to the game (compared to others) but enjoying it a lot. Tier Lists Navigation; Terrifying Conquerors. The infamous Llama has returned for Season 6 in the form of a DJ. The final Season 6 skin (for now), and arguably the most impressive, is a flaming pumpkin head. Edit. Glaive (with blunt skill and splash final), Poleaxe (good damage but suffers shield block), Nodachi (they have problems going past the shield's block), Spear (like Nodachi they have problems against blocks), Shortbow (if he dares to go kicking them), Dual Blades (most heroes with DBs don't use the bomb). He still has brown fur and red headband, but his jacket and jeans are completely torn away. You should analyze the various situations that pop up during a battle and make a tier list based on those For example: Shield wall in front of you blocking the way. Very squishy and if you try to assassinate players (the only thing it CAN do) near enemy units odds are high you are going to die for it. With shades, a headset, and a gold tooth, this DJ is ready to fist pump their way into a victory royale. Though its damage is really split so its almost impossible to build max damage and you can't build tank either leaving it in a sort of hybrid hell, though without that hybrid hell stat/damage type split it would probably be a bit too strong and its been nerfed heavily and is still kicking. *laughs at Dual Blade ult*. This ominous skin includes a hooded cloak, popular crow-like plague mask, glowing green eyes, and gloves. its in a similar place to dual blades in that its just playing a different game, its a death match class in a game where you can only play death match once every 70 hours if you are online at the right time while mars and jupiter are in proper alignment. Though by the time you are fighting silver era units consistently units are much tankier, their damage is much higher, and the Nodachi can't just walk around like a god anymore. It's not worth the trade-off so the Nodachi really loses power the higher level you get. The infamous Llama has returned for Season 6 in the form of a DJ. C Tier – Underpowered. A VERY good two piece set that seems to be ignored. Card: Reasoning: S1: Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler - Insanely strong all-round unit and an amazing leader for the team They say what's old is new again, and that statement has never been truer than now. Check out our ridiculously large list of Fortnite guides here. The weapon also can't roll any bad stats so it's easier to min/max when crafting. This weapon is actually VERY strong at low levels, when you are fighting with peasants and everyone else has peasants the Nodachi is an unkillable frontline god who mows down squad after squad of peasants and just doesn't give a shit. A well-built, skilled musket player is a bane to archers and most muskets (maybe with the exception of Kriegs and Tercios, because of their larger health pools, but even they will have to reposition or die eventually.) Dire is a legendary skin that at first just looks like a jock teenager. In order -- and to nab your favorite Season 6 skins they're gone -- be sure to work with friends to accomplish challenges, gain experience points, and climb tiers. You are going to win or lose fights because you setup a great charge with your prefecture guards a lot more than because you brought a PoleAxe instead of a Longsword. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. This skin was another to leak with the 6.02 update, and, honestly, we are so excited for it. Season 6 will be active until December 5, 2018, which will give you plenty of time to enjoy the latest content and level up tiers to acquire your favorite skins. Musket. It's perfect for frightening your enemies and getting a quick knock. The third can be gained after reaching 50,000 XP. The array of available skins is terrifyingly good this time around. Amazing burst damage, can 100-0 someone as fast as a dual blade if combo'ed right, The maul's Mighty Mjolnir into Bonebreaker is pretty broken. In general I'd say the biggest thing a player weapon can do is enable a unit that would normally lose an engagement to instead win it or make it an even trade. I only put longsword at the bottom of the list because its best ability (Heal) is great at healing your hero, but its heal over time on your troops just feels meh when you are in combat. Looks like the wolves are the ones who should be running away. Longsword, it's heal was butchered last year and thus this class is no tankier than any other on the list in the right gear, the heal is barely enough to top off the LS, let alone his units. She still has her classic red hood along with braids and a skirt. It's an Uncommon skin and won't be too pricey to purchase. Ultimate "Explosive Arrow" very useful against shield walls, rattans or to simple killing packs of ranged units. Civilization Tier List. The first for this pink-haired cowgirl is an outfit of simple shorts and a cowgirl hat, which is available in Tier One, meaning you'll get this skin immediately when purchasing your Battle Pass. The fifth look is where players can acquire the long dark cloak with spiked shoulders at 140,000 XP. Siege battles, all classes have their uses but I would say that some are easier (more straight forward) to know their role. Top Tier Hybrid Saiyans Team Guide Super UR Tier List Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide ... 5 Super LR Tier List 6 Extreme UR Tier List 7 Top Tier Goku's Family Team Guide 8 Top Tier Pure Saiyans Team Guide 9 Top Tier … If you like hero killers try spear with march, overhead, gift, and dragons roar i would say spear is the best hero killer in the game because unlike duel blades you can still cut down units. It can't handle a 1v1 with more "assassin" centered classes, but it can still do well in a 2v2 and a 2v3. Along with Jack Gourdon, these two pumpkin heads are some of the best of the season, and a must-have for this Halloween. IMO it's a balanced class with high skill ceiling, Two anti-cc skills with very low cooldowns, Nice life stealing to keep fighting on the frontline, Nice reach on skills most of the time hitting first on trades, Lots of animation cancelling that most ppl don't know about, Has "tricks" that make some skills always do crit damage in certain conditions. The third is 70,000 XP and is a complete wolf transformation, snarling teeth and all. Glaive. You can also purchase the Battle Bundle, which includes the first 25 tiers of content for the season and costs 2,800 v-bucks (around $30.00). Skull Ranger is also now available in the shop. Scourge came to the item shop alongside the Plague skin. and can completely turn the tide of a battle, when said player utilizes his skills to kill/force to move the right troops. The fallen god, once upon a time this was THE class... nowadays its just ok. Its the only class with a real heal and is one of the tankier if not tankiest classes but unlike something like Glaive, PoleAxe, or Maul it doesn't have the raw CC potential to just disrupt stuff while being hard to kill instead opting to just be tankier instead. I'd also like to note that in general having better gear, better troops, and playing better is going to mean a lot more than your weapon choice. By fighting in sieges, field battles, open world battles, etc you will gain experience. His weakness, "Stamina Management when charging skills" is negated by a 9 seconds cooldown skill that is a Sprint with shoulder bash that breaks Defense and also places your charge skills at Max Level without the need to consume stamina charging them. You know you want it just to stand out in the crowd -- and the winner's circle. Her shirt is tattered and bound with leather buckles. Spear: Better nerf Spear, has been gutted since beta of the game, I don't like it right now outside of Horse combat. It would be something like this, with potentially a little debate about a handful of peoples pet weapons.


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